MMDVM Homebrew DV4mini Brandmeister Server Configuration Setup

General information
Configuration file location : /opt/BrandMeister/BrandMeister.conf
Purpose : Main parameters for your server to link to other BM (P2P), networks (c-Bridge, DMRPLus...), repeaters, MMDVM, etc ...
Configuration could be splited into several files. To include each configuration file please use following directive:

Homebrew Repeater protocol

  1. // Home-brew DMR Repeater Protocol
  2. HomebrewRepeater :
  3. {
  4. port = 62030;
  5. password = "password";
  6. };


  1. // Home-brew DMR Repeater Protocol (MMDVM) by G4KLX
  2. MMDVMHost :
  3. {
  4. port = 62031;
  5. password = "password";
  6. };


  1. // DV4mini DMR Hot-Spot
  2. DV4mini :
  3. {
  4. port = 8880;
  5. };

Motorola IP Site Connect

  1. // Motorola IP Site Connect Master
  2. IPSiteConnect :
  3. {
  4. number = 100999; // Peer ID
  5. port = 55000; // UDP Port
  6. profile = "profile.dat"; // Security profile (required by IPSC 4 and higher)
  7. password = ""; // Shared password
  8. };

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